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Tetsuya Nomura has worked on/drawn the characters for Final Fantasy (and Kingdom Hearts, as well as many other games).

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Q: Who does the art for the Final Fantasy games?
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Which Final Fantasy games are originally for the PlayStation?

Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX.

Which Final Fantasy games are for the PSP?

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Is there a Final Fantasy x7?

Final Fantasy X-7? no. there is Final Fantasy 10-2 which is the sequel to Final Fantasy 10 (and is the only actual sequel in all of the final fantasy games) and there is Final Fantasy 7, but there is no Final Fantasy x-7. the games may be made by the same people but do not relate to each other in anyway other then the fact they are Final Fantasy.

Can you play as other character from final fantasy?

You can play as characters from multiple final fantasy games (though not all) in games such as final fantasy dissidia 012: duodecim.

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There aren't any Mario games with final fantasy characters.

How many Final Fantasy games was Sin in?

Sin was only in Final Fantasy X, and mentioned in Final Fantasy X-2.

How many PlayStation 2 final fantasy games are there?

There are 3 final fantasy in a playstation 2 console, Final fantasy X Final fantays X-2 And Final Fantasy 12

Is Final Fantasy for xbox Kinect?

There is Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XI for Xbox, but no games have been announced with Kinect support.

You are under 13 Are the Final Fantasy Games Right for you?

Final Fantasy games revolve around story, so if you're good at English, then yes. I'd say Final Fantasy is right for you.

WHAT Final Fantasy games are for playstation two?

Final fantasy X, X-2, and XII

Are there any new Final Fantasy 7 games?

The newest Final Fantasy VII game is Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for the PSP.

Which PlayStation system are the Final Fantasy games for?

The Final Fantasy games can be played on PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PSP