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No one has ever died during the filming of a MythBusters episode, and all main cast members are still alive.

Erik Gates, guest expert on Mythbusters, fell through a skylight and died of his injuries. However, his accident didn't occur in connection to a Mythbusters appearances; he died while doing contract work for his own company, Gateco Electric, on December 20, 2009. See the link below.

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What are the release dates for Healthy Flavors - 2005 Mythbuster?

Healthy Flavors - 2005 Mythbuster was released on: USA: 16 September 2010

Who is the redhead in mythbusters?

Kari Biron is the redheaded Mythbuster.

What episode of mythbusters is the greatest mythbuster?

Episode 39 walk on water

Where can you get mythbuster videos?

JB Hi-Fi sells them, or try borrowing them from your local library.

Where can you find pictures of Kari Byron?

Click on the link below for pictures of the Mythbuster's host Kari Byron:

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How do you become a mythbuster?

Sorry, but I think that Mythbuster's isn't looking to hire anyone yet.

What are the release dates for Healthy Flavors - 2005 Mythbuster?

Healthy Flavors - 2005 Mythbuster was released on: USA: 16 September 2010

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Who is the redhead in mythbusters?

Kari Biron is the redheaded Mythbuster.

How long is a usual MythBuster episode?

1 hour

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What do you call a person that studies myths?

Maybe a MythBuster?:):)

How do you qualify to be a Mythbuster?

Well really you'd have to be presenters on the show.

What episode of mythbusters is the greatest mythbuster?

Episode 39 walk on water

Where can you get mythbuster videos?

JB Hi-Fi sells them, or try borrowing them from your local library.

What seres and episode in mythbuster is it when they blow up the sement truck?

Season 3 (2005), Episode 2.