The still life with the aqua background was done by Stuart Slind.
Click the related link below to get to the gallery that rep's him.
The tree paintings are by Washington artist Emily Wood, represented by the Lisa Harris Gallery in Seattle. See link below.
Návrh is a Czech equivalent of the title to the movie 'The Proposal'.
The movie 'Love Happens' was filmed in Canada and in the United States of America. The Canadian location was Vancouver, British Columbia. The U.S. location was Seattle, Washington.
Poppysmic .... Saw the movie today, and was looking it up on the internet just now. :)
Ljubezen se zgodi is a Slovenian equivalent of the title to the movie 'Love Happens'.
The movie Love happens, starring the actress Jennifer Aniston as well as the actor Aron Eckhart,came out in the year of 2009. It has not yet had a sequel.
Любовь случается is a Russian equivalent of the title to the movie 'Love Happens'.
Návrh is a Czech equivalent of the title to the movie 'The Proposal'.
It allowed for more realistic paintings.
From his head! Maybe his love for travel had influence him to paint landscape paintings. But as you can see on his paintings, there is a love for nature.
no it wont because that happens in book 3 and the movie is only book 1
The movie 'Love Happens' was filmed in Canada and in the United States of America. The Canadian location was Vancouver, British Columbia. The U.S. location was Seattle, Washington.
The Goo Goo Dolls - Better Days
Yes, like book or movie titles, etc., we also capitalize the titles of paintings.