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Q: Who coined term Fashion Police?
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What are the release dates for Fashion Police - 2002 1-17?

Fashion Police - 2002 1-17 was released on: USA: 7 January 2011

What are the release dates for Fashion Police - 2002 1-13?

Fashion Police - 2002 1-13 was released on: USA: 3 December 2010

What are the release dates for Fashion Police - 2002 1-10?

Fashion Police - 2002 1-10 was released on: USA: 12 November 2010

What are the release dates for Fashion Police - 2002 2011-10-28?

Fashion Police - 2002 2011-10-28 was released on: USA: 28 October 2011

What are the release dates for Fashion Police - 2002 2010-11-19?

Fashion Police - 2002 2010-11-19 was released on: USA: 19 November 2010

Related questions

Who first coined the phrase Crimes of Fashion?

In 1986 Saks Fifth Avenue and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio put on an event named "Crimes of Fashion". The event was also held in 1988. Daryl and Daryl from the Newhart Show attended as "Fashion Police" shortly afterwards they appeared on the sitcom as "Fashion Police". This is the earliest occurrence of this term we can find. Clifford and Peggy Stark chaired the committee and coined this term in 1986.

Who coined the phrase Fashion Police?

Oh, dude, the term "Fashion Police" was actually popularized by the late great Joan Rivers. She was like the chief of the fashion force, enforcing style standards with her sharp wit and killer one-liners. So, yeah, if you ever need a ticket for a fashion faux pas, you better watch out for Joan and her squad!

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