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The main character of the story is definitely Achilles, since the focus of the epic is on his rage.

Other main characters could be picked from the following:

  • Hector, foil to Achilles, the great foe that had to be destroyed
  • Agamemnon, basically Achilles's boss who insulted his honor and caused Achilles to sit out of battle and resulted in the death of Patrokolos, etc.
  • Paris (Alexander), the guy who stole Helen away and started the war, though this isn't mentioned
  • Helen, the abduction of her started this whole thing, not mentioned too much in Iliad though
  • Andromache, Hector's wife

Some of the gods could be considered main characters. The ones who seemed to participate the most were Zeus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Hephaestus.

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7y ago

The Greek hero was Achilles and the Trojan hero was Hector.
The hero of the Iliad was Odysseus (also called Ulysses). He ended the war and conquered Troy (also called Ilium) by building a large hollow wooden horse and leaving it outside the gate of Troy. The Trojans, believing it was a gift opened their gates and brought the wooden horse into the city. At night, a group of warriors that had hidden inside the horse came out, opened the gate and allowed the rest of the Greek forces to enter the city and conquer it.

The Trojan Horse is used nowadays to refer to any gifts that ultimately are harmful. We refer to certain types of computer malware (viruses) as Trojan because computers become infected when someone installs an apparently desirable program, such as a game or a free copy of an otherwise costly program, and it actually contains harmful code.

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12y ago

There are many characters within The Iliad, Achilles being the protagonist. Patroclus, his close friend and companion. Who were both Greek, Paris and Hector were two famous brothers of Troy with their father Priam and mother Hecabe also. Many Gods are mentioned within The Iliad also, such as: Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, Athena, Hephaestus, Hera, Thetis others are also mentioned! :-)

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14y ago

That would depend on which epic you are refering to. The hero of the Odyssey is Odysseus but there are multiple heroes in the Illiad, many of whom die as the story unfolds.

The work focuses on Achilles but many of his actions are far from heroic to a modern reader. There a

re heroes on both sides eg Hector, the leading Trojan hero. With heroes of that age, the primary characteristic is not acting nobly and selflessly. Rather it is great and violent actions and self esteem - the success culture (sometimes called the shame culture, as they could not bear shame and consequently acted in any way necessary to avoid shame, often actions which would be repugnant to us today, but not to people to whom killing, looting, rapine, slavery and treachery and self aggrandisement were a way of life). This Success culture still survives in today's mafia, yakuza and similar ethnic criminals as you see them in the movies.

The list of heroes is long - Agamemnon, Menelaus, Odysseus, Achilles, Ajax and so on.

The best thing to do is read it for yourself and then identify heroes not in our terms of courage, self-sacrifice and nobility of action, but rather in their terms of Success by achievement, violence and self-importance.

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14y ago

There are many main characters, but probably the most famous were:

  • Achilles
  • Hector
  • Paris
  • Helen
  • Menelaus
  • Agamemmon
  • Diomedes
  • Odysseus
  • Patroclus
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13y ago

Achilles was the main hero of the Iliad.

Odysseus was the main hero of The Odyssey.

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Achilles and Hector.

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Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, and Apollo

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Q: Who are the main characters in The Iliad?
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Who is the main Trojan characters of the poetry The Iliad?

Hector - acting chief of the Trojan forces - is by far the most important Trojan in the Iliad. Hector's death marks the end of the poem, and the last line is: These were the funeral rites of Hector, tamer of horses. Other important Trojan characters in the Iliad include Aeneas, Paris, Priam, and Hecuba.

Which is not a main character in The Iliad?

Out of which characters? Out of all? That's quite a long list. There are hundreds of people named only once in the illiad. You're better off asking for the list of main characters and then everyone else is not a main character.

Why is the 'Wrath of Achilles' the main theme in the Iliad?

The second line of the Iliad describes Achilles' rage as [oulomene]: 'destructive'. The first word of the Iliad is [menin] :: 'rage'. In a sense, the whole poem is about rage.

Who is the main character of The Iliad?

The Greek hero Achilles is the main character of the Iliad, as the poem is about his conflicts with various characters, (first Agamemnon when the Mycaenean king commandeers Achilles' spoils of war, then Hector when he kills Achilles' cousin Patroclus, then technically the Trojan King Priam, when he comes to beg Achilles to give Hector's body back) XanatosAchilles.

What is Iliad a Greek myth about?

The Iliad records a small portion of the battle of Troy, where soldiers from mainland Greece took the city of troy or Ilias. The batlle is believed to have taken place around 1200 bc and its famous people include Achillies, Hector, Agamemnon, Helen to name the main characters.

Related questions

Who is the main Trojan characters of the poetry The Iliad?

Hector - acting chief of the Trojan forces - is by far the most important Trojan in the Iliad. Hector's death marks the end of the poem, and the last line is: These were the funeral rites of Hector, tamer of horses. Other important Trojan characters in the Iliad include Aeneas, Paris, Priam, and Hecuba.

Which is not a main character in The Iliad?

Out of which characters? Out of all? That's quite a long list. There are hundreds of people named only once in the illiad. You're better off asking for the list of main characters and then everyone else is not a main character.

What was problem facing the characters at the beginning of The Iliad?

This is chris i hate these questions

What was the main topic of The Iliad?

corinthian wars

Who are the characters in The Iliad?

the characters on iliad are the following: agamemnon, menelaus, achilles, paris, helen, king priam, hecuba, odysseus,hector,patroclus,chrisies,chrises,brisies,cassandra, astyanax,calcas,iphegenia,clytemnestra,...

Is Trojan Horse part of Iliad?

The main source of the story is Virgil's Iliad, a Latin epic poem from the time of Augustus

How is it important that Hector died?

Hector was basically the main warrior/prince of the Trojans, so when he died, the city of Troy kind of lost their hope to survive the Greek assault. Also, he was one of the main characters in the Iliad--so that's important too!

Why is the 'Wrath of Achilles' the main theme in the Iliad?

The second line of the Iliad describes Achilles' rage as [oulomene]: 'destructive'. The first word of the Iliad is [menin] :: 'rage'. In a sense, the whole poem is about rage.

Are Americans as materailistic as The Iliad characters?

No more or less then any other nations people today can be.

What are Achilles' and Hector's similarities in The Iliad?

glory in battle, tragic characters, fight till the end

Who is the main character of The Iliad?

The Greek hero Achilles is the main character of the Iliad, as the poem is about his conflicts with various characters, (first Agamemnon when the Mycaenean king commandeers Achilles' spoils of war, then Hector when he kills Achilles' cousin Patroclus, then technically the Trojan King Priam, when he comes to beg Achilles to give Hector's body back) XanatosAchilles.

What is Iliad a Greek myth about?

The Iliad records a small portion of the battle of Troy, where soldiers from mainland Greece took the city of troy or Ilias. The batlle is believed to have taken place around 1200 bc and its famous people include Achillies, Hector, Agamemnon, Helen to name the main characters.