Beautiful piece of art! Currently have a copy and would like to know the value.
They are called gemstones.Rare, beautiful minerals are generally classified as "gems" or "gemstones".
the legislature are called MPPs
Members of the Canadian Cabinet are called Cabinet ministers (not all ministers necessarily sit in Cabinet).
theyre circular and beautiful!
The Daughter of Prophet Adam was called Loeeza, it means Beautiful.........its my daughters name.
i think it means that it is called a big sunami or just a very very pretty wave
my name is chrystabelle it is of Latin and french origin meaning beautiful Christian or follower of Christ chrysta meaning Latin for christ and belle meaning beautiful in french their is also a extremely old play called chrystabelle very rare to find only so many books were made with this play.
Beautiful piece of art! Currently have a copy and would like to know the value.
The fourth in the series is called Beautiful Redemption.
the beautiful lining is called, mother-of-pearl
Pro-war members of Congress are called hawks; anti-war members are called doves.
The meaning of rings worn by some college members are mostly about tradition. They are called class rings and can signify that you have completed a certain amount of credits or the full degree. Then the class and graduation year are often engraved and they can be given as graduation presents.
The official name of the country is The Republic of China, but it has been previously called "formosa" when sighted by Portugese ships (comes from "Ilha Formosa", meaning "beautiful island" in Portuguese).
They are called peers of the realm or the nobility.
They called them "pueblos," a Castilian word meaning "village." The one in Chaco Canyon was called Pueblo Bonito (the Beautiful Village).
The word "Formosa" comes from Portuguese explorers, who first named the island of Taiwan "Ilha Formosa," meaning "Beautiful Island," in the 16th century.