Answer God made them male and female. females are the only ones who can give birth. Mary comes from a female line that begins with Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah. Read Genesis 34. Life comes from the female, Leah gave birth to a Son Judah, and Leah gave birth to a daughter Dinah. Joseph comes from the tribe of Judah, Judah is the Son of Jacob and Leah and from him comes King David and then Joseph and the Jesus. Both Mary and Joseph were descended from King David. No. If Mary was from David, surely the Genealogy of Jesus in Matthew and Luke would be that of Mary and not Joseph. Mary was a direct descendant of King David which gave Jesus the right to ascend the Jewish throne, both through Mary and through adoption by his foster father, Joseph. Mary's genealogy is supplied in Luke 3:23-38 Mary's descent is not mentioned in The Bible. But from some clues, we can make an educated guess. Firstly, Mary was the cousin of Elisabeth the mother of John the Baptist. Secondly, Elisabeth was from the tribe of Aaron the brother of Moses. Thirdly, it's plausible that Mary is also from the tribe of Aaron. Conclusion, Elisabeth descended from Aaron, therefore, The probability of Mary (Elisabeth's cousin) descending from Aaron and not from David is greater that the probability of her descending from David. Luke 1:5: "There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. " Answer">Answer">Answer Both Matthew and Luke agree (although from different son of David) that it was Joseph who descended from David not Mary.
Matthew i:16: "And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ ... "
Luke ii:23: "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli ..."
The author of Matthew traced the Genealogy of Jesus to David from David's son Solomon, while the author of Luke trace it from David's son Nathan. That is why the verses above shows Jacob as the father of Joseph and in Luke the father of Joseph is Heli.
This was also confirmed by the angel who visited Mary in Matthew 1-20: "But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost
There is no evidence in the Bible to show that Mary the mother of Jesus was descended from David. At the end of the Book of Numbers an interesting loophole emerged. A man died without a son, leaving 4 daughters. They came to Moses complaining that they would lose the family land since there was no son to inherit it. Moses sought the Lord Who decreed that if there was no son in a family daughters could inherit family land providing they married within their own tribal clan. In effect they had to marry a cousin to keep the land in the "family." This made sense since land was allotted first by tribe then by clan then by family. Marrying within the clan kept the families in close proximity and preserved the tribal allotment. (Num. 36 1:13)
Now compare the 2 genealogies of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38, and you'll discover that Mary and Joseph were both of the tribe of Judah and descendants of David. Joseph descended through Solomon, the royal but cursed line, while Mary's line was through Solomon's brother Nathan.
Here's the tricky part. Mary had no brothers, and so was entitled to inherit her family's land as long as she married someone also descended from David. Joseph fit the bill and being in the royal line had a claim to the throne, but carried the blood curse. No biological son of his could ever legally qualify as Israel's king, but Joseph could secure Mary's right of inheritance.
When Mary accepted Joseph's offer of marriage she preserved her family's land and also made good her son's claim to the throne of Israel. Jesus was in the royal succession through Joseph but escaped the curse since he wasn't Joseph's biological son. But He was a biological descendant of David's through his mother and therefore of the "house and lineage of David." Correct, both Mary and Joseph were decendants of King David. YES
The Bible shows Jesus was from the lineage of King David from his birth mother Mary AND his adopted father Joseph.
Both Mary AND Joseph were from the line of King David
King David>
Nathan-Mattatha-Menna-Melea-Ekiakim-Jonam-Joseph-Judah-Simeon-Levi-Matthat-Jorim-Eliear-Joshua-Er-Elmadam-Cosam-Addi-Melki-Neri-Shealtiel-Zerubbabel-Rhesa-Joanan-Joda-Josech-Semein-Mattathias-Maath-Naggai-Esli-Nahum-Amos-Mattathias-Joseph-Jannai-Melki-Levi-Matthat-Heli-Joseph. Genalogy from Luke 3:23-28
King David>
Solomom-Rehaboam-Abijah-Asa-Jehoshaphat-Jehoram-Uzziah-Jotham-Ahaz-Hezekiah-Manassheh-Amon-Josiah-Jeconiah-Shealtiel-Zerubbabel-Abiud-Eliakim-Azor-Zadok-Akim-Eliud-Eleazar-Mattham-Jacob-Joseph Genalogy from Matthew 1:1-16
Mary was a descendant of David's son Nathan (Luke 3:31).
AnswerThe influential New Testament scholar, Raymond E. Brown canvasses, in An Introduction to the New Testament, the possibility of Luke's genealogy being that of Mary, but concludes that this is not the case, since Luke 3:23 makes it clear that this was the genealogy of Joseph. There is no scholarly support for interpreting Luke's genealogy as being through Mary, so we do not know her ancestry and can not say which son of David was in her ancestry.No one knows the genealogy of Mary. It is supposed to be Joseph. See:Whose_blood_line_connect_Jesus_to_King_David_-_Joseph_or_Mary
It is interesting how many people maintain that Luke's genealogy is that of Mary, in spite of Luke 3:23, "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli". There is not much room for ambiguity there. What this means is that both Matthew and Luke tell us Jesus' genealogy back through Joseph and the male line, even if the contradictions mean that neither genealogy is likely to be historically accurate. But no one tells us of Mary's genealogy.
The best information we have is that early Christians believed Mary's father to be called Joachim. We simply do not know whether Mary had any distinguished ancestors, or whether she was descended from David.
Be the Virgin Mary....Or Adoption is an Option.
Mary Poppins is most likely a virgin. There is no suggestion of her having engaged in any sexual activity at any time.
Mary Jane's Not a Virgin Anymore - 1998 was released on: USA: 22 March 1998
Musician David Bowie (David Robert Jones) has two children - a son, Duncan Jones with his first wife Mary Angela Barnett and a daughter, Alexandria Zahra Joneswith his second wife Iman.
la Vierge Marie
No, Mohammad is not in the lineage of the Virgin Mary. The Virgin Mary is a descendent of King David.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was a Jew from the tribe of Judah, her ancestor was King David.
No, Mariamne was not related to the Virgin Mary.
Luke and Mary were not related.
Mary was born about 15 BC and it was not a virgin birth.
No. Mary wouldn't exist if it wasn't for God Almighty. God simply chose Mary because she was a virgin woman from the tribe of David [which fulfilled the prophecies] and Joseph because he was a just man of the tribe of David.
Alan King (david king)
Alan King (david king)
The Roman Emperor Augustus.
Oh yes both Mary and Joseph are related to Adam, we can find it in the book of Matthew.
Since Mary had no other children besides Jesus, there are no descendants of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
There is no historical evidence to suggest that Saint Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary, lived in the house of David. Saint Anne is traditionally believed to have been married to Joachim and lived in Sepphoris, not in the house of David in Bethlehem.