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There is no specific season for breeding unicorns on Howrse. There is, however, a time. You need to breed two unicorns at exactly 6:23 GMT. It can be either AM or PM, but it has to be GMT (game time), and it cannot be before or after that time or it won't work. You can find the game time in the brackets beside the time for your time zone. If you breed at this time, you have a 1 in 6 chance of getting a unicorn foal, unless you have Hestia's gift, in which case you will get a unicorn foal.

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13y ago

The unicorn is a fictitious creature; as such, its breeding season can be whenever you wish it to be.

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You can't get a unicorn when you first sign up on to howrse. You have to buy unicorns at acutions or direct sales.

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