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Ganges is a very special river in India.. The river is worshiped by people and also it is considered to purify the souls of people.

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Q: Which is the braided river in India?
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The River Freshie at Cairngorms, Scotland, is an example of a braided river.

Why brahmaputra is a braided river?

Brahmaputra is a braided river because it one of the number of channel type and has a channel which consists of network of small channels which are separated by small islands which braids.

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The Mississippi River is primarily a meandering river, characterized by its sinuous, looping flow. However, it can display some braided characteristics in certain sections where the river channel splits into multiple smaller channels that rejoin downstream.

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The dumping of sediment as the gradient of the river channel gets less.

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Meandering and braided are terms commonly used to describe types of rivers or streams.

What are braided river?

A braided river is one of a number of channel types and has a channel that consists of a network of small channels separated by small and often temporary islands called braid bars. Example: Waimakariri River-New Zealand..

Definition of Braided Channel in Oxford Dictionary?

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"brahmaputra river " is known as the red river of India

Why is River Ganges in India a sacred river?

because it is the bigest river in India

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The most famous river in India is the Ganges River.

Which river in India is also called the golden river of India?

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