Regulus, also known as Alpha Leonis, is brighter than Procyon, also known as Alpha Canis Minoris. Regulus is a first-magnitude star with an apparent visual magnitude of about 1.35, making it one of the brightest stars in the night sky. Procyon, on the other hand, has an apparent visual magnitude of about 0.34, making it slightly dimmer than Regulus.
He made Regulus (and his house-elf, Kreacher) help hiding the locket-horcrux in the cave.
Mainly just 'coon'. There is also Procyon Lotor and Arakun. Arakun means, "he scratches with his hands" and Procyon Lotor means "bear washer" or something like that
Marcus Atillius Regulus.
The question is, I think about "apparent magnitude". The question is hard to answer precisely, because there aren't eight stars of magnitude 1 exactly. There is the expression "stars of the first magnitude" which is the 21 brightest stars (in apparent magnitude). Our Sun is not included. Anyway, here is that list starting with Sirius, the brightest (magnitude -1.46) down to Regulus (magnitude +1.36) : Sirius Canopus Arcturus Alpha Centauri Vega Capella Rigel Procyon Betelgeuse Achernar Hadar Altair Acrux (Alpha Crucis) Aldebaren Spica Antares Formalhaut Pollux Deneb Becrux (Beta Crucis) Regulus.
Rigel by far.
regulus is 1.36 and procyon is 0.36 so the differnece is 1
Procyon is a binary starProcyon A has an apparent magnitude of +0.34Procyon B has an apparent magnitude of +10.7Gomeisa has an apparent magnitude of +2.89So Procyon A is brighter than Gomeisa but Procyon B is dimmer.
Procyon B is about 7,500 times dimmer than the Sun. This difference in brightness is due to Procyon B being a white dwarf, which is a small, dense, and cooling star compared to the larger and brighter Sun.
Aldeberan, Vega, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Altair, Arcturus, Sirius, Procyon, Capella, Spica, Antares, Deneb, Regulus, and the Sun are.
Betelgeuse is a red supergiant star nearing the end of its life, which causes it to be larger and more luminous than Procyon, a much smaller main sequence star. Betelgeuse's immense size and advanced stage of evolution make it appear brighter in the night sky compared to Procyon.
Procyon B is smaller in size compared to Procyon, as Procyon is a main sequence star (type F5IV-V) while Procyon B is a white dwarf companion star.
Procyon LotorThe scientific name of the common raccoon is Procyon lotor.The scientific name of the Raccoon is Procyon lotor.
Procyon is a binary star system consisting of two stars, Procyon A and Procyon B. Procyon A is a main sequence star with a diameter about twice that of our Sun, while Procyon B is a white dwarf about 1.5 times the diameter of Earth.
Procyon is 11.41 light years from Earth.
Procyon is a binary star system with two components: Procyon A is a yellow-white F-type main-sequence star, while Procyon B is a white dwarf.
Procyon is a binary star system, consisting of a main sequence star (Procyon A) and a white dwarf (Procyon B). Procyon A is slightly larger and more massive than the Sun, with a radius about 1.5 times that of the Sun. Procyon B is much smaller, with a radius about the same size as Earth.
the color of the star regulus is blue-white