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The stated goals in the slogan of the French Revolution were liberty and equality, as well as fraternity. The French Revolution took place from 1789 to 1799.
The French Revolution took place from 1789 to 1799. It ended when Napoleon Bonaparte staged a coup and took over the French government.
The counterrevolutionaries revolts in western France took place before Napoleon were raised to the power. Therefore they were fought, during the French Revolution, by French Revolutionary Armies. Napoleon had the merit to put to an end these revolts after he was elected First Consul by means of an appeasement campaign.
the aspects are that France is a beautufull place they have lots of tall building and lots of french fries and french toast they r all frenchies
the 'Mont blanc' is the highest mountain in France (and in Europe) - As for 'Point blanc', I did not find any information of any French place of that name - It must be a small and unimportant place if it does exist.
Louis the sixteenth was the ruler.
in france...
King Louis XVI was the King of France when the revolution began.
French Revolution took place in only France. It began in Paris and spread throughout the Nation.
The French Revolution.
At the time, the current Place de la Concorde was the site of the guillotine and it was then named the "Place de la Revolution".
the origin of the word "revolution" stem from the latin "volvere", to roll (think revolve) = prefix "re" meaning again. This is a new start. As it took place in France, that was the French revolution. QOD:)
The French Revolution took place between 1789 and 1799.
The France revolution is a revolution because it takes place in whole part of the France. And revolution basically means protest in the whole part of the country. Thus France revolution is a revolution.
The setting is in France, most of the latter part of the book takes place in Paris.
It started in Paris, before the walls of a state prison/fortress: La Bastille.
The Bastille was stormed basically starting the French Revolution.