The area of France is 674,843 km2
The area of New York State is 141,299 km2
The area of New York City is 1,214.4 km2
So, France is 4.78 times the size of New York State and 555.7 times the size of New York City
the total area of Ireland (as an island: meaning Eire + Northern Ireland) is 81,638 square km.
The area of France (mainland) is 551,500 square km.
France is 6.75 times bigger than the island of Ireland and 7.8 times bigger than the Republic of Ireland
In terms of area, France. In terms of population, Bangladesh.
Rome is a city in the country of Italy, not a country of itself. Rome is also a lot smaller than France, which is a country.
1. England is not a country. It is part of the United Kingdom. 2. France is twice as big as the UK, 4 times as big as England.
I think that Niger is bigger then south Africa what do you think
France is not a state, it is an independent country.
Ethiopia ?
In terms of area, France. In terms of population, Bangladesh.
Rome is a city in the country of Italy, not a country of itself. Rome is also a lot smaller than France, which is a country.
No US States have a border with the country of France.
To what country, France, England, Spain, Ireland or the US.To what country, France, England, Spain, Ireland or the US.
No. France is a country in Europe. California is a State in the US.
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