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Q: Which country had social classes called Estates?
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How was the social security structure under France's ancien regime?

France was divided into one of three social classes or estates

What are 2 social classes called in Rome?

There were three classes in Rome. The patricians were an aristocracy and owners of large landed estates. The Equites (equestrians, cavalrymen) were an entrepreneurial group: bankers, moneylenders, merchants and investors in shipping and mining. The plebeians were the poor.

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Medieval society had three basic estates or social classes which of the below does not fit those who work those who fight those who dictate or those who pray?

those who dictate

Who was the french revolution between?

it was the 1st and 2nd estates that was aganst the 3rd estate. the 1st is the roman cathoic charch 2nd is the rich nobles 3rd is the social classes.

What is the name of the Indian system of strict social classes called?

The Indian system of strict social classes is called the caste system. It divides people into different social groups based on birth, occupation, and social status.

Is Ireland's citizens high class?

As in any country Ireland have people of different social classes.

What was some Louis XIV's economic policies?

Louis XIV was an absolute monarch that advocated for division amongst social classes, namely the three estates.

Under the Estates SystemStructure which social group had the highest status in French Society?

Under the Estates System/Structure, which social group had the highest status in French Society

What were the three social classes living on a manor?

There were far more than three jobs to do at a manor! Are you referring to the Three Estates? This was a concept that divided people into three groups: the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners. They can also be described as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work.

Did apache people have social classes?

No there were no social classes in the Apache tribe.

What system separate people into different social classes?

The system is called the Caste system.