The United States of America. Canada has adopted more of American culture than any other nation due to their common history, the fact that the USA has 10X the population, 10X the money and power. Canada is also a protectorate of the United States because Canada has since the second world war reduced it's military and defensive ability to the point that it can no longer defend or ever patrol it's borders.
Next most influential country would be China or India the countries most new Canadians are from. Most, or soon to be most, Canadians are First (born in Another Country) or Second (born in Canada) Generation Canadians. Their influence is already dominate in many areas of Canada and since Canada does not force immigrants to adopt Canadian cultures and beliefs their influence is much greater than it would be in other countries.
European countries, such as Britain and France still have some influence but that has been declining for many generations. Now their influence is mostly historical.
it gives aid.
Canada helps many countries with aid after large disasters.
Canada spends over $5 Billion a year on direct cash support of foreign aid. To that we add one of the worlds most generous immigration and refugee programs for an additional $20 Billion or more. Beyond that we also have some of the freest trading practices, which encourages people in Canada, particularly those from areas needing foreign aid ,to trade with their homeland. That is by far the best long term foreign aid any area can have. For our population we are one of the worlds most generous countries when it comes to foreign aid, particularly to those individuals we remove from troubled areas. This lessens the need in the troubled area and gives long term support for those families and communities left behind.
How much does a health care aid earn in Manitoba Canada?
None. They actually destroy environments of countries they are getting resources from with little regard to the people living there. And then complain later that some foreign company is destroying their environment.
it gives aid.
Some third world countries that receive aid are Madagascar in Africa and Guinea in Asia. Afghanistan, Yemen, and the Congo all receive some type of aid.
Canada helps many countries with aid after large disasters.
god isgood
yes because they are ereally poor
Canada gives more per capita in foreign aid than almost any other country.
no no no the country i know got offered the third world aid is Ethiopia
Japan gives economic aid. Actually, they are one of the world's leaders in giving aid to foreign countries.
samalia, romania, bolivia,
any European country
Somalia, Bolivia, Sierra Leone
Yes. Israel has international support and the largest single supporter of Israel is the United States. This is not unique to Israel though as the same things could be said of Egypt and the Palestinian Authority, half of the African countries, and most Latin American countries. Also many Arab States that receive aid from foreign countries receive their largest amounts of aid from the United States.