Whoopi Goldberg has not starred in thousands of movies. The list would be far too long to write and read. It would be easier for you to look at the list of movies she has been in - See Provided Link
Oh, dude, seriously? No, Whoopi Goldberg did not die in a car crash. She's alive and kicking, probably cracking jokes somewhere. Like, if she had been in a car crash, we would have heard about it, right? So, no need to worry, Whoopi is doing just fine.
Yes, she was not in Daddy Day Care. (Yes, that does sound awkward, but otherwise the answer would be a double negative.)
Yes according to Sam.. and he was none to happy about it... He intimated that if Whoopie had been a "traditional" beauty the scene would not have been cut...
No, Whoopi Goldberg did not win the Oscar for The Color Purple (1985). She was nominated for lead actress but lost out to Geraldine Page who won for The Trip to Bountiful. Whoopi would go on to win Best Supporting Actor for Ghost (1990) five years later.
Whoopi Goldberg
Whoopi Goldberg has not starred in thousands of movies. The list would be far too long to write and read. It would be easier for you to look at the list of movies she has been in - See Provided Link
Whoopi Goldberg does not have a husband. She is an open homosexual. Actually Whoopi would be considered bi, and not homosexual, as she has been married 3 times(to men), and has had high profile relationships with Ted Danson, and Frank Langella, to name a few. I did not know she was a homosexual. But if she is with women, I wouldn't say it was exclusively women.
Eddie Murphey of course! Who ele would it be?
Whoopi Goldberg has stated that she does not feel sexual attraction to either males or females, which would make her asexual.
Yes, she was not in Daddy Day Care. (Yes, that does sound awkward, but otherwise the answer would be a double negative.)
Some would and some wouldn't; Whoopi Goldberg stated she would and has left her child/children with him and Gene Simmons said he wouldn't.
That would be Theodore Rex (1996) starring Whoopi Goldberg.
Yes according to Sam.. and he was none to happy about it... He intimated that if Whoopie had been a "traditional" beauty the scene would not have been cut...
There wouldn't be an America
maybe and even if she did or didn't y would it matter?