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The Odyssey and the Iliac were written at about 800B.C.

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In the 8th century BC.
Homer wrote The Odyssey in 800 BC.

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The Odyssey and the Iliad are believed to have been composed around 800 BC, with the Iliad being composed first.

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The Iliad and the Odyssey were written in Ancient Greece, around the 8th century BC.

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between 700 and 800 B.C.

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Q: How long ago did homer write The iliad and the odyssey?
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In what location was the iliad and the Odyssey composed?

Until they were written down, they were passed on by storytellers for many generations. The Illiad and Odyssey was originally a very, very long poem written by the Greek poet, Homer.

Are the anead Iliad and the oddesy the same story?

No. Both epic poems were written by Homer (Greek). The Iliad tells the story of the Trojan War, about the last year of the war. The chief protagonists are Achilles, Agamemnon, Patroclus, Hector, Paris. The Odyssey is about a Greek hero, Odysseus. After the Trojan War, he started his 10 year long journey home (to Itacha), where everybody thought he was dead. Only his wife Penelpoe believed that he would come home. On his journey he had many adventures (the one-eyed Polyphemus, the Sirens, Circe, etc) and finally he got home.

How long is Homer's book The Iliad?

Homer's The Iliad is an epic poem that contains 15,693 lines. It is written in dactylic hexameter and tells the story of a fight between King Agamemnon and the soldier Achilles during the last weeks of the final year of the Trojan War. In a book, it can be roughly anywhere from 400 to 600 pages depending on font size and formatting.

What is the meaning of Iliad?

Iliad - A greek epic poem describing the siege of troy - poem - a long narrative -a long series of woes and trials

Is Homer's Iliad public domain or copyright?

It is public domain, copyright did not exist in Homer's time; and even if it did it only holds for 70 years past the death of the writer, which has long since expired. Strictly speaking this applies only to the original work (i.e., the Greek text). A specific translation of the original work can be copyrighted just as any other document can; if you're planning on publishing a version in, say, English, make sure the copyright on the translation itself (if any) has expired.

Related questions

How long did it take Homer to write the Odyssey?

It is unknown how long it took Homer to write The Odyssey because the consensus that homer wrote the story did not take place until 350 BC. Many scholars believe The Odyssey was written when Homer reached old age.

What were two epics written by Homer?

The Iliad (the story of Ilium, another word for Troy - the poem relates an episode in the Trojan War) and the Odyssey - an account of the ten-year journey of Odysseus home from Troy to ithaca.

How long did it take to write the odyssey?

It is unknown how long it took Homer to write The Odyssey because the consensus that homer wrote the story did not take place until 350 BC. Many scholars believe The Odyssey was written when Homer reached old age.

What is a long narrative poem about gods or heroes called?

An epic poem is a long narrative poem that typically tells the story of gods, heroes, or legendary events. Examples include the Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer.

How long after the Trojan war was Homer's Iliad Odyssey written?

If the Trojan War occurred around 1250 BCE (BC) and Homer composed the Iliad and The Odyssey around 800 BCE, that makes 450 years, and the Greeks did not develop writing until around 500 BCE when it was finally written down.

Why should people learn about Homer the greek?

Because without HOMER the greek Brad Pitt wouldn't had what to play in with long hair!Any ideas?YES...TROY!Homer wrote ''Odyssey'' and ''The Iliad'' 2 amazing epics.

How did homer live?

Homer was a blind poet who lived around 800 BC. in Greece. When he was born, the Greeks had just learned to use the alphabet from the Phoenicians. Homer wrote his two long poems "Odyssey" and "The Iliad. He was the most important Greek and roman writers.

What are examples of epics?

The IliadThe Odyssey of UlyssesThe Song of RolandBeowulfSir Gwain and the Green KnightThe Epic of Gilgamesh

Was shakespeare the first to write poetry?

Of course not. People have been writing poetry as long as they have been able to write. We have many many examples of poetry written more than 2000 years ago and some almost 3000. Homer's Iliad and Odyssey were written 2400 years before Shakespeare was born.

Which greek god was a story teller whose stories are some of the earliest known of literature his stories were told in long poems The Odyssey is one of is well known epics?

The Greek god you are referring to is Homer. He is credited with composing the epic poems, The Iliad and The Odyssey, which are among the earliest works of Western literature and have had a profound impact on storytelling and literature throughout history. Homer's works are considered foundational in shaping the Western literary canon.

Did Iliad or odyssey tell the story of the last years of the Trojan war?

The Iliad was about a couple of months near the end of the War. The Odyssey was about Odysseus' long voyage home after it.

What do you call long poems such as Homers The Iliad and the odyssey?

"Epic Poems" .