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the first igneous rock was found in the u.k.

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Q: Where was the first igneus rock founded?
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Is sedimentary rock formed by lava?

no that is igneus

What is igneus rock?

It is a type of rock that is formed when molten magma solidifies the rock.

What type of a rock?

Igneus is a type of rock. Metamorphic, too. Sedimentary.

What is the name of the rock that is formed by lava?


When lava explodes from a volcano and cools and hardens quickly, what kind of rock does it form from?

igneus rock

What materials mix together to form a rock?

Rocks are typically made up of minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and mica. These minerals can come together through processes like cooling and solidification of molten rock (igneous rock), pressure and heat (metamorphic rock), or through the accumulation and cementation of sediments (sedimentary rock).

Give one example of each rock category?

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What category or group of rock does the cliffs of the central coast of New South Wales?

search it on google, probrobly igneus

Why is an igneous rock called a igneous?

there's a Latin word called "igneus" which means fire and the igneous rock is formed by lava, but that's a different subject.

When did Peter Igneus die?

Peter Igneus died on 1089-11-11.

What is the Latin word for igneus?


Where was lodestone rock founded?

The first literary reference to magnetism was the 4th century BCE in China.