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It left Southampton, England on 10th April 1912 going to New York.

And it started to sink April 14th 1912 but the whole ship had sunken on April 15th.

P.s On weekends, you can usually find Titanic playing on Oxygen

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14y ago
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14y ago

The Titanic was a British ship belonging to the White Star Line.

She sailed from England on her maiden voyage, which ended tragically after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic.

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15y ago

The Titanic was built in Belfast, Northern Ireland but left for it's Maiden Voyage from Southampton, England on April 10th 1912.

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12y ago

the Titanic set sail form Southampton (England) to Cherbourg (France) toQueensland(Ireland) to its final destination New York( The United States) But sank after hitting a iceberg.

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Queenstown, Ireland

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800 800 pasengers in the 3rd cass on the titanic.

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Ireland. You do know she is a fictional character.

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The immigrants were heading to the US on Titanic which was destined for New York City.

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August Wilson, a German living in England, was traveling Titanic destined for the US (but died in the sinking).

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Mr Joseph Philippe Lemercier Laroche and his family were traveling Second-Class on Titanic.

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166 Second-Class passengers died in the sinking of Titanic.

Titanic where it was saling to?

On April 10, 1912, the Titanic set sail on its maiden voyage, traveling from Southampton, England, to New York City.

Where was the titanic heading for its maiden voyage?

On Titanic's maiden voyage, she was traveling to New York City.