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Q: Where to get a fire stone in ptd2?
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No, but you could get porygon2 in PTD2, but you have to wait until you could be able to transfer pokemon from PTD to PTD2, and you need the dubious disc to be able to evolve Porygon into Porygon2 in PTD2!

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Where do you get the fire stone in Pokemon resolute?

how should i no

Where is the fire stone on Club Penguin?

There is no fire stone on club penguin.

Can a magmar evolve with a fire stone?

no he\she can't evolve by a fire stone

What Pokemon evolves using fire stone?

all i know is poke that using fire stone is: fire stone Causes Vulpix to evolve into Ninetales. fire stone Causes Growlithe to evolve into Arcanine. fire stone Causes Eevee to evolve into Flareon. fire stone Causes Pansear to evolve into Simisear.

What level does pansear evolve at on Pokemon x?

to evolve pansear you need to give it a fire stone

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Fire stone

What pokemon evolve from fire stone?


Will someone trade me a Fire Stone on Pokémon White?

I will give you a Fire Stone.

What is a fire stone used on?

A fire stone is used on certain Pokemon to make them evolve. The Pokemon that evolve with a fire stone are: ~Evee ~Vulpix ~Growlithe

What stones can evee use?

you can use a fire stone water stone and thunder stone on an evee fire stone is flareon thunder stone is jolteon and water stone is vaporeon