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In Pokémon Diamond, you can find Rare Candies in Route 207 with the Dowsing Machine. You can find them in Routes 214, 218 and 223. You can find 1 in Route 224 with the Dowsing Machine. You can find them in Route 225. You can find them in Route 226 with the Dowsing Machine. You can find them in Routes 228 and 230 and in the Old Chateau, the Wayward Cave, Mt. Coronet and you can also find 1 in Mt. Coronet with the Dowsing Machine. You can find them in the Solaceon Ruins. You can find 1 in the Valor Lakefront with the Dowsing Machine and in Snowpoint City with the machine. You can find 1 in the Victory Road without the machine and you can find 2 with the machine. You can find Rare Candies in the Stark Mountain, in Team Galactic's Veilstone Headquarters and in the Floaroma Meadow.

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14y ago
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12y ago

I dont know where but Ik the cheat code for an emulator.

If you go to your PC at the start of the game, take out from items as many rare candies as you can.

82025840 0044


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11y ago

There are two ways to get rare candies in Pokemon heart gold/soul silver. 1: go to mt. mortar & mt. silver. They are flooded with rare candies! 2: get an Action Replay (AR) which you can buy in the video game section of a store, Game Stop, or Best Buy.
You can find a rare candy at the olivine light house,or use a dowsing machine and find it some where

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14y ago

You can trade for rare candy underground or there is under ground crypt were you can find it

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12y ago

y could find them all over pokemon diamond,and pearl.

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15y ago

Just pick up every item you see, some will be rare candies. You cannot buy these so use wisely.

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14y ago

in the lighthouse on the top and i am not telling you the rest i want them for myself

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Q: Where to get rare candies on HeartGold?
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Where are the rare candies in HeartGold?

olivine lighthouse and route 27

How do you get 999 rare candies on heartgold?

You cant unless you cheat.

If you traded a Pokemon to Platinum from HeartGold and then leveled up the traded Pokemon with rare candies and then then traded it back to HeartGold is this legal?

No.......just kidding! Of course it is, unless you hack to get rare candies

999 rare candies on Pokemon HeartGold?

to get 999 rare caindies is to us the ar.

How do you get 100 rare candies in heartgold?

you can cheat, or just play pokeathlon alot.

How do you get 99 rare candies in heartgold?

you give rare candies to 99 pokemons and trade them to heart gold... time consuming? yes, but it should work unless it doesnt allow you to trade pokemon holding rare candies.

How do you get infinite rare candies in Pokemon HeartGold with out action replay?

you cant!you can only get 999 rare candyes! how do you get 999 rare candyes?

Where can you get rare candies in HeartGold?

they are scattered every where like on routes and some people will give them to you

How do you get rare candies on HeartGold?

find them i think theres one by a rock in ruins of alph

How do you make your Pokemon on Pokemon heartgold level 99?

Battle a lot, or use Rare Candies.

Pokemon HeartGold action replay 999 rare candies?

Rare candies suck they don't increase your stats as if you trained it fairly... You'd basically be useless against any serious competition.

Can you buy rare candies in pokemon heartgold?

No, but if you catch a shuckle, give it a berry, use it in battles, eventually it'll make a rare candy.