it is very rae to find them but if your lucky enough you will find one i did insted use the poke radar if the grass is shiny rusling its shiny i caught like 10 shiny Pokemon and i got dialga shiny
Shiny Pokémon are rare Pokémon that will have variations to their color like for example a regular Gyarados if it is Shiny will be a Red Gyarados, a shiny Nidoking will be blue, a Shiny Noctowl will be a golden-colored however there are some Pokémon such as Garchomp that do not have a clear variation between its regular sprite and its Shiny sprite.
u could get a shiny one in any lake that has a garydose the shiny one is red.
yes you can put a shiny Pokemon in the pokewalker i put shiny suicune in mine but it wont look shiny. I put a shiny magikarp in mine, but can you catch a shiny Pokemon using the pokewalker, esp. Pokemon that cannot be caught anywhere else?
Well.. It's impossible to catch garchomp
Ya gotta poketransfer gible, gabite, and garchomp If you have a catch the trainer's pokemon cheat code, you can catch cynthia's garchomp in battle (level 77). Cynthia is in undella town on exclusive seasons (i know spring and summer is one of them)
sorry but i have pearl
Garchomp can't be catched. Except for the legendary pokemons it doesn't exist that strong wild pokemons. You need to catch and train a gabite in the safari zone, and evolve into gabite at level 30, and than to a Garchomp at level 48.
If You Just Want To See A Garchomp For Your PokeDex, Champion Cynthia has one. If You Want To Catch One You Have To Evolve A Gible Into Gabite, Then Gabite Evolves Into Garchomp.
You cannot catch Garchomp on Pokemon White. You'll have to trade for one or transfer it from a DS Series game.
You can't catch shiny legendary Pokemon without cheats... sorry
same chance to catch a shiny gyarados to catch eny shiny in platinum.
Catch the red one in the 'lake of rage' that's a shiny one. or use cheats.
It takes luck to come across a shiny, but when you find one you catch it like you would catch a regular Pokemon.
No, you can only capture it in PokemonHeartGold ,Platnium,Diamond and Pearl!
You can't make it shiny, you have to catch it as a shiny.