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Go in the Pokemon Fan Club in Hearthome and talk to the man

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Q: Where is the poffen case on platinum?
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Where can you get the poffen case in Pokemon?

At the Pokemon fan club. talk to the old man on the couch

On Pokemon diamond I used a cheat to get all the items in the game but for some reason the game freezes when I try to open my poffen case Do you know why?

its called a gitch and normally there not that bad

How do you know if this is platinum?

it will say platinum on the game case...

How do i know it's platinum?

1. On the game case it will say 'Pokemon Platinum'. Lost the game case? 2. On the game cartridge it will say 'Pokemon Platinum'. Has the sticker come off? 3. When it is inserted into a DS system, the game display should say 'Pokemon Platinum'.

How do you can use seal case on battle in platinum?

You can't.

In Pokemon platinum where do you get the seel case?

i believe you get it in veilstone or sunnyshore

Where do you get a poffin case in Pokemon Platinum?

Pokemon fan club

Where is the seal case in Pokemon Platinum?

in a house near the ruins

Where do you get the seal case?

platinum, diamond ,and pearl are in scolaceon town

How can you use the coin case in Pokemon platinum?

play the pokeslots

Pokemon platinum fasion case code?

I think flying monkeys taste good

Where do you get a Poffin Case on Pokémon Platinum?

You get it from the Leader of the Pokemon Fan Club in Hearthrome City.