You can go to the condominiums in Eterna City and trade with the kid on the first floor at the second table on the left chair or check Route 222 or 224 in Sunyshore City, Good luck and keep trying until you find one because winners never quit and quitters never win!!!!!!
In Diamond/Pearl, the Sinnoh Pokedex #102 is Chatot.
Apparently chatot evolves into Paratot, at level 52no chatot does not evolve or are you talking about Pokemon
in the sinnoh reigon chatot in the national exeggcute
To get a Chatot in Pokemon Diamond- 1.) You can go to Eterna City and in the first floor of the building next to the Pokemart a Buizel for a Chatot named Charap. The Chatot will be the same level as the buizel you give to him. 2.) You can go to Route 213 for a Chatot level: 23, 25 3.) You can go to Route 218 for a Chatot level: 28, 30 4.) You can go to Route 222 for a Chatot level: 38 5.) You can go to Route 224 for a Chatot level: 52, 54
It was probably traded
chatot has to be level 21 to get the move chatter
In Diamond/Pearl, the Sinnoh Pokedex #102 is Chatot.
It's not possible. You can only get Chatot in Diamond, Pearl or Platinum, because that's the generation in which it was created.
as your going to sunnyshore city its in the grass north of the beach
It is Chatot. You find it in Routes 222 and 224 (morning and day)
Chatot you can get him route 222 & 224 or a kid inside his house in Eterna City will trade you for a Buizel.
starly,staravia,staraptor,murkrow,honchkrow,chatot,hoothoot,noctowl,wingull,and pelipper
To get a Chatot in Pearl you must travel to Eterna City. Once in Eterna City from there go to the big building next to the gym and trade a man a Buizel for Chatot.
Apparently chatot evolves into Paratot, at level 52no chatot does not evolve or are you talking about Pokemon
In oreburgh someone will trade a machop for abra and in eterna someone will trade you buizel for chatot.
You can catch chatot at the burned sprout and bell towers.