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in victory road were the 3 boulders are

how to do it:first, use strength on the 2nd boulder (of course!) up then battle that guy (you might've done that already but,if you find away to avoid him....) after that go in up the stairs and back down-that's important so don't miss that! then use strength on that second boulder up one blocking a path push it down then go in the path-you can't do that inthe left side you'll just block the path until you can't even go in(unless you have AR :p) anyways,there you'll find a serious maze that can trap you forever unless you have AR,teleport,dig or an escape anyways save your game before going in to try.once done you NEED A BIKE or no TM for you.anyways i say anyways too much!anyways,bike fast through ramps battle 2 people bike too much ramps 2 more rounds and then a TM stone edge!

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14y ago

Stone Edge was introduced in Generation IV, so therefore, it isn't in Pokemon Ruby.

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Were to find the TM stone edge in Pokemon diamond?

Victory road B1f

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You can buy stone edge at the battle frontier TM stand.

Can Lucario learn stone edge?

Yes with tm 71

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It doesn't exist in the third generation.

Where can you get stone edge tmin Pokemon diamond?

TM71 - Stone Edge - Victory Road 2F

Where is stone edge in diamond?

In my pants or in your mom.

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you can find by going to elite 4 in the cave

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Stone edge is a move that was invented in diamond and pearl and platinum you cannot have any Pokemon learn 4th generation moves like stone edge in firered because they don't exist. But you can migrate a aerodactyl to diamond or pearl or platinum and have it learn stone edge there.

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It cannot learn it by level, so the only way is by TM.

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In Pokemon Diamond the TM 90 is the move substitute.

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Hypnosis is not a TM.