The Lustrous Orb is in Pokemon Pear and is for Palkia, increasing its power when using water & dragon moves. The Adamant Orb does the same, only its for Dialga and increases the power of steel and dragon moves and found in Pokemon Diamond
First of all, they are called the Lustrous orb and adamant orb. The adamant orb, when given to Dialga, boosts his power. Likewise the lustrous orb boosts the power of Palkia.
there is a room in mt. coronet that needs waterfall to get to. get to it. it will have 2 pokeballs and a rock. the pokeballs contain the adamant and lustrous orbs. the rock is a TM. plus once you defeat Cynthia of the elite 4 you can go to turn back cave and get the grisious orb. this allows you to have origin form gritina outside of the final dungeon
You can catch both Dialga and Palkia. * Get the National Pokédex * talk to Cynthia's grandmother * Go to Mt. Coronet and find one of these two orbs: * ** Adamant Orb for Dialga ** Lustrous Orb for Palkia * Return to the Summit of Mt. Coronet and the Spear Pillar. * There will be a Blue/Pink portal , that you can use to fight Dialga/Palkia
You do, yes... You find them in the cave previously blocked of by the galactic member... Then you go to spear pillar and give one of the orbs to a Pokemon in your party (You give the orb- E.g Adamant- to then get Palkia and also Visa-Versa) Then a 'drift' shall appear... Pink if you gave the Adamant Orb to a Pokemon (So pink contains Palkia) And Blue if you gave the Lustrous Orb to a Pokemon (So Blue contains Dialga)
you can find the lustrous orb inside of mt.coronet
Give it to dialga.
in mt. coronet,use waterfall in an part of it,go it the room to get the orb and the lustrous orb
There's no way you can. It disppears when you trade the Giratina holding it. there is no platinum,pearl,or diamond orb its called the GRISEOUS orb,adamant orb and lustrous orb
go back to spear pillar
yes u can its in mt cornet
In this mountain Mt.coronet I believe somewhere around this waterfall.
after you get palkia, keep walking forward from where you got him. you'll find a pokeball, and that's the orb.
It is the Lustrous Orb. Give it to Palkia to power it up.
You find it in mt.cornet and u find it right beside the adamant orb for palkia and dialga
In Pokemon pearlgo to mt.cornet and you saw palkia in the back of palkia the lotus orb is there P-L-A-T-I-N-U-M NOT pearl in the room with the waterfall in the middle surf and then use waterfall by the waterfall and the Adamant Orb and Lustrous Orb are in there