on pearl you can find them in the waters of iron island near fuego iron factory and also near the beach south of sandgem you need to fish i belive with the best? rod idk but you can also evolve finneon at lvl 31
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number 135 in the diamond sinnoh pokedex is: Lumineon and can be found on route 223 by another trainer who has it in their party or you could catch a Finneon with the good rod by fishing in route 205 and level up Finneon so it will evolve into Lumineon. Hope this is correct ^-^ (hint from another person) the first girl you find in the water swimming back and forth her only pokemon is a lvl 43 Lumineon.
Go to Sunnyshore city, and walk north until you reach the beach. Use Surf and the first trainer you encounter is a girl named Miranda swimming back and forth. She has one pokemon, it's Lumineon.
there is no trainer with a luminion.
level 31. :)
battle a friend that has it... or ask him/her how they got it
Fish at Canalave City with Super Rod.
# 135 on the pokedex in Luminion.
Yes!, its near sunny shore city on the way! or fish for it!
The first trainer on the way to the Pokemon league has a luminion.
The trainer is on route 223 and is the first female swimmer you see, she has only luminion but it is at lv 43 so have a strong team my team was Infernape lv 63, Dragonite lv 100, staraptor lv 43 and floatzel lv 43!
In route 223 there is a swimmer that has a Lumineon. I don't remember exactly where, but I do know it is in route 223.
I believe there are a few trainers that have Luminions, or you could battle a friend that has a Luminion, or you can evolve a Finneon.
Luminion. It can be found in canalave city with a good rod or super rod