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on pearl you can find them in the waters of iron island near fuego iron factory and also near the beach south of sandgem you need to fish i belive with the best? rod idk but you can also evolve finneon at lvl 31

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15y ago

You Can Either go to valley windworks and look for it (what i did) or you can just evolve finneon

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CAnslave City

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Q: Where is luminion?
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Where do you find a trainer with a luminion?

there is no trainer with a luminion.

Where to find luminion in platinum?


What level does finnion evolve into luminion?

level 31. :)

Where can you battle a luminion in platinium?

battle a friend that has it... or ask him/her how they got it

Where to find luminion in Pokemon platinum?

Fish at Canalave City with Super Rod.

Sinnoh pokedex number 135 Pokemon diamond?

# 135 on the pokedex in Luminion.

Is there a Pokemon trainer that has a luminion?

Yes!, its near sunny shore city on the way! or fish for it!

If there is a trainer that has gligar where is that trainer in Pokemon diamond?

The first trainer on the way to the Pokemon league has a luminion.

Does a trainer on Pokemon pearl have luminion?

The trainer is on route 223 and is the first female swimmer you see, she has only luminion but it is at lv 43 so have a strong team my team was Infernape lv 63, Dragonite lv 100, staraptor lv 43 and floatzel lv 43!

Is there atrainer in diamond version that has a luminion?

In route 223 there is a swimmer that has a Lumineon. I don't remember exactly where, but I do know it is in route 223.

Where can you see lummion on Pokemon diamond?

I believe there are a few trainers that have Luminions, or you could battle a friend that has a Luminion, or you can evolve a Finneon.

What type of Pokemon is Lumineon?

Luminion. It can be found in canalave city with a good rod or super rod