He was living in Cincinnati, Ohio when he invented the dimmer switch in 1882. His company was called Woods Electric Company.
It is 1,107.73 miles according to MapQuest.
he has a son and his name is Jake Woods He has at least one brother, Lyates, with whom he started a business with in Ohio.
He currently resides in LA but is originally from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
It is 1,161.39 miles according to Mapquest.
The address of the Scenic Woods Regional Library is: 10677 Homestead Rd, Houston, 77016 M
It is 1,052 miles to Houston, Texas according to Google Maps. You may however be asking about Houston, Ohio which is only 93.5 miles.
No. She is from Houston, Texas
The address of the Rickenbacker Woods Tech Museum is: 657 S Ohio Ave, Columbus, OH 43205
He lived in Columbous,Ohio with his family
Harriett Woods was born on June 2, 1927, in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Two 6 pound cannons called the "Twin Sisters" was given to Sam Houston as a gift from Cincinnatii, Ohio.
He was living in Cincinnati, Ohio when he invented the dimmer switch in 1882. His company was called Woods Electric Company.
he spend his childhood in Columbus,Ohio