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In metamorphosed coal deposits, usually in mountain forming regions.

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Q: Where is Anthracite rock found mostly and why?
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Is anthracite an igneous metamorphic or sedimentary?

Anthracite is a metamorphic rock. Anthracite is formed when an organic sedimentary rock - coal - is compressed and heated in the ground.

Is coal extrusive igneous rock?

No, coal is a sedimentary rock composed mostly of the remains of ancient vegetation (except for anthracite coal which is a metamorphic rock, see image above)..

Is anthracite coal a sedimentary rock?

Yes, anthracite coal is a type of coal that is considered a metamorphic rock, not a sedimentary rock. It forms from the metamorphism of bituminous coal at high pressures and temperatures.

What is the texture of Anthracite rock?

Anthracite is a form of coal. It is hard black and shiny.

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Is anthracite a sedimentary rock?

No it is not but bituminous coal is

Is Anthracite coal igneous metamorphic or sedimentary?

Anthracite coal is a type of metamorphic rock. It forms from the transformation of bituminous coal under increased temperature and pressure over time.

What is a metamorphic rock commonly known as coal?


Where are bituminous and anthracite coal found in pa?

anthracite - northeastern pa bituminous- western pa

Is coal a igneouse rock?

No. It is considered a sedimentary rock, except for the variety anthracite, which is considered a metamorphic rock.

Is anthracite a sedimentary or a igneous rock?

Anthracite is a metamorphic rock, not a sedimentary or igneous rock. It forms from the metamorphism of bituminous coal, under high pressure and temperature conditions deep within the Earth's crust.