

Best Answer
For the best Exclusive acapellas go to

They even do acapella requests ! !

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Q: Where do you get rap acapellas?
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Where can you find acapella?

Hi, Try here for <a href=>acapellas</a> It's a great free forum for acapellas, instrumentals & all sorts of DJ tools.

Where can you find a studio quality acapella of A-Ha take on me?

Where can you find just the vocals for songs?

Use the google or some search engine typing "Acapellas". It can help you find some web source for vocals.

Can you make a rap about comets?

rap rap rap

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What types of music can be found on the Mixtape Torrent website?

The types of music that can be found on the Mixtape Torrent website include acapellas, reggae, remixes, R&B, instrumental, dance hall, and international.

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rack city- By Tyga

What tipe of rap is there?

there are all types of rap music like gangsta rap, hardcore rap, alternative rap, East Coast, West Coast, South etc.

Why do rap artist rap?

they are good at it

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Rap what does rap in rap sheet stand for?

I think it stands for Record of Arrests and prosecutions

What made the rap industry call it rap music?

rap stands for Rythym And Poetry