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Penny boards can usually be found in sports/beach shops such as Billabong or Rozy. Or, you can search online for shops that sell penny boards in Canada. You can also order a custom penny board on the Penny website.

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Q: Where do you buy penny boards in Canada?
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What is better for riding penny boards or long boards?

Long boards are better.

Is penny boards better than eightbit boards?

no the eightbit is thicker and long. that makes eight bit a lot better than penny boards and the eightbit is also cheaper!

Who invented penny boards?

Ben Mckay

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Are penny boards for girls?

It can be both for girls and boys

Where can you buy flipfold laundry boards in Canada?

Eddie's Hang-Up Display located in Edmonton and Vancouver has them.

What is better long board or penny board?

They are both easy to ride on but in my opinion penny boards are better