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The Space Station and Shuttle astronauts keep Houston time, and sleep when it's night time in Texas. In the old Soviet-era Mir space station, the cosmonauts kept Moscow time. However, I believe that like ships, the ISS and Shuttle astronauts keep "watches", so that someone is awake at all times.

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14y ago

They have like a really small dormitory in the rocket

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10y ago

No because there is no gravity so they sleep in a sleeping bag on the wall.

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How do astronauts transport?

a rocket :P

What do astronauts fly through space?

A rocket.

What do astronauts need to know?


What type of rocket launched astronauts to the moon?

Saturn V, a 3 stage rocket.

What do astronauts do on a mission?

the things that astronauts do on a mission is sleep learning how to fly a space shuttle