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Tulane University and then went on to get his Law Degree at Northwestern

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Q: Where did Jerry Springer earn his bachelor's degree?
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Do you have to have a bacholar degree to earn a masters?

yes masters degree must be earned to earn a bachelors but not in all caseshoped this helpedmack'n Me.ME

What degree did Spielberg earn?

He has a bachelors degree in English from California State University at Long Beach.

What college degrees did Franklin D. Roosevelt earn?

Bachelors degree

What is the average cost in the US to earn a bachelors degree in English literature?

Lamborghini Murcielago

What is required to earn a Master's Degree?

at least four years of college for a bachelors degree and an additional 2 or 3 years for a masters degree


Typically four years to complete a Bachelors degree. Accelerated programs allow you to complete a Bachelors in under four years by a few months.

How long does it take to earn a masters degree in career counseling?

2 years, if you already have a Bachelors.

How many years of college does it take to earn a business bachelors degree?

A bachelors degree typically takes four years to complete, it can take longer depending on how long a student takes to complete curriculum requirements.

How much do environmental consultants get paid?

Depending on the amount of education an environmental consultant with a bachelors degree can earn $50,000 a year. Consultants with more experience can earn anywhere from $75,000 to $104,000 a year.

What degrees did John Adams earn?

Samuel Adams earned his bachelors degree in 1740 earned his Master degree in 1743

How fast can you earn your bachelors?

I have seen individuals complete the bachelors degree within three years. However, I personally do not recommend pushing it that hard unless their is an extreme urgency to do so.