The second movie in the Matrix trilogy was The Matrix Reloaded.
The duration of The Matrix Reloaded is 2.3 hours.
The Matrix The Matrix Reloaded The Matrix Revolutions
There are three Matrix movies: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions. There are also a series of short animated films called The Animatrix. All movies on TopRater:
There were three live action films and one collection of anime shorts. The Matrix (1999) The Matrix: Reloaded (2003) The Matrix: Revolutions (2003) The Animatrix (2003)
The second movie in the Matrix trilogy was The Matrix Reloaded.
The first movie was "The Matrix", the second was "Matrix Reloaded", then "Matrix Revolutions".
The duration of The Matrix Reloaded is 2.3 hours.
The Matrix Reloaded was created on 2003-05-07.
The Matrix Reloaded was released on 05/15/2003.
The Matrix The Matrix Reloaded The Matrix Revolutions
The Matrix Reloaded grossed $738,576,929 worldwide.
There are three Matrix movies: The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and The Matrix Revolutions. There are also a series of short animated films called The Animatrix. All movies on TopRater:
There were three live action films and one collection of anime shorts. The Matrix (1999) The Matrix: Reloaded (2003) The Matrix: Revolutions (2003) The Animatrix (2003)
Matrix Reloaded
The sequelsare: Matrix Reloaded MatrixRevolution