Hand of God - film - was created in 2006.
In God's Hands - film - was created in 1998.
The duration of God's Army - film - is 1.8 hours.
The duration of God of Love - film - is 1080.0 seconds.
Dear God - film - was created on 1996-11-01.
Hand of God - 2006 was released on: USA: 21 February 2006 (Big Sky Documentary Film Festival)
Where Was God - Documentary 2014 was released on: USA: 16 May 2014
Where to Find God on Sunday - 2000 was released on: USA: 3 November 2000 (Northampton Film Festival)
Hand of God was a documentary that told the tale of a man (Paul) molested by a parish priest, Father Joseph Birmingham. The man allegedly molested approximately 100 children.
Hand of God - film - was created in 2006.
The Jealous God - film - was created in 2005.
God's Army - film - was created in 2000.
In God's Hands - film - was created in 1998.
Sudan. The documentary film follows the journey of three Lost Boys from Sudan who were displaced during the Second Sudanese Civil War.
The duration of God Help Me - film - is 1.33 hours.
The duration of Dear God - film - is 1.87 hours.
Dying God - film - was created in 2008-07.