Chanel bags are made in Italy. The very first Coco Chanel store is located in Italy, where Coco lived above it.
It depends what type the Chanel bag is. There is a tiny label inside. Whenever it is written made in France, the bag was made in the factory that Chanel owns in a small town north of Paris.
Yes, Chanel is from France. Cocoa Chanel is the designer/founder for the brand Chanel.
in france
on Sky, Disney channel is 609.
Chanel is a small Pomeranian :)
Chanel bags and accessories are either made in France or made in Italy. The interior tag or stamp should not say made in Paris.
pig skin
Actually...there are some authentic vintage Chanel bags that are stamped made in PARIS. They are rare, but they do indeed exist.
Hope i have helped!
Chanel bags are only made in Italy or France. To check the authenticity, the color of the hardware on the bag should match the stamp inside the bag. If the hardware is gold, the "made in" stamp should be gold and vice versa.
Coco Chanel <3
You can find Chanel bags for a lower price on eBay.
Chanel bags are the cheapest in outlet locations. Chanel outlets offer new purses as well as accessories at discounted prices.
appraisel on chanel bags
Chanel has a factory some kilometers north of Paris, where it makes a number of its products including bags.
Gabrielle Coco Chanel was regarded as one of the most innovative, influential designers of the twentieth century, with her stunning line of comfortable women’s clothes and accessories. Today, the Chanel brand is famous worldwide and is reputed as one of the most premier brands in existence. Chanel bags bring a touch of elegance and exclusivity to any outfit. Ms. Coco Chanel is credited with the design of the very first shoulder bag in February of 1955, and ever since then, the line of Chanel bags has continually increased and diversified. All Chanel bags are made of only the finest materials, such as leather or lamb skin, and are made with extreme care and attention to detail. Although one may be concerned with the high price tag that accompanies such a designer accessory, Chanel bags will give the owner more value for his or her money than a less expensive bag. Chanel bags are meticulously made and are built to last. One will be thankful that his or her Chanel bag has such an extensive life span, because Chanel bags will never go out of style. Chanel bags are made with a classic flair. They express certain features and touches that distinguish them from bags of other eras, but the overall design of Chanel bags are modeled after those that have already been proven to be able to withstand the test of time. Like the forever tasteful ’little black dress,’ Chanel bags are subtle enough to be sophisticated throughout the ages, but possess enough style and individuality to propel them into the world of high fashion. One will never encounter a Chanel bag adorned with audacious colors or silly trends that will be out of style within the next week. Chanel bags come in a variety of styles, colors, and sizes to suit anybody’s needs, but all of these options are governed by the Chanel brand’s desire to keep all bags of a cultured and classy degree. Chanel bags will forever be a part of society’s high-end culture. Their sophisticated style and supreme quality will help them to endure the test of time for many years to come.