in the holy book, 666 is a sign of the beast and it's followers(satanists). for more info, read the last book of the bible. However, be wary as 616 may be the real number of the beast. [See related link]
The cast of Holy Moly - 1992 includes: Lance Ozanix as Holy Moly
- Holy Warrior - Holy Knight
The motto of Holy Name Preparatory is 'Veratas'.
In 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' they use the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch to dispatch the killer rabbit.
Holy Hell was created in 2005.
Naaroo Jahanem
The Bible lists only Hell. Dante came up with the 7 circle idea himself
Muslims believe in heavens & in hell. The two are mentioned alot in the Holy Quran & in the Sunnah. The Almighty God will reward people by heavens & punish others by hell.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Watch out for the attacking bunny.
No Jesus when crucified took the sins of Man to Sheol(grave).Jesus/God can not be in hell for Godis Holy and cannot be in the presence of Sin.
i would say a tsunami of holy water because every demon including the devil would be burning cause holy water burns demons.
David R. Woodward has written: 'Hell in the Holy Land'
Yes of course & the both are mentioned in the Holy Quran. refer to question below for more information.
Its in holy
Yes They will because having ink on you is a sure way to go to hell. Father holy is a clean person while the devil is dirty. YOU ARE EVIL IF YOU GET A TATTOO!!!!!!
The Holy Bible which can be accessed online for free for people who don't have their own Holy Bible yet.