I believe they have stopped doing dub for Nauto Shippuden, sorry, you really should just watch it on subs its still amazing and some really interesting/exciting stuff has happened lately so start watching ;)
Also there is a Naruto Shippuden app by Crunchy Roll its great cause their all english subbed, hd quality, free, you dont need to be a member and no commercials :D
if i remember every 2 Wednesday at ten
You can find Naruto Shippuden episode 222 English dubbed at this website: http://www.dubzonline.net/naruto-shippuden-episode-222-english-dubbed/
As of December 2009 21 Naruto Shippuden English episodes have been released on the internet but 4 new episodes come out at the start of every month.
Yes it has I watch it on one of the sites in the related links below.
That would be Viz Media.
watchcartoononline.com or animefreak.com they both have naruto and naruto shippuden episodes in English dubbed and subbed
it will once the English dubbed shippuden episodes r release to NA
English dub: http://www.narutospot.net/shippuden-dubbed/naruto-shippuden-episode-53-english-dubbed/ English Sub: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYSGNFS2g8A (hope it helps)
if i remember every 2 Wednesday at ten
You can find Naruto Shippuden episode 222 English dubbed at this website: http://www.dubzonline.net/naruto-shippuden-episode-222-english-dubbed/
Season 10
As of December 2009 21 Naruto Shippuden English episodes have been released on the internet but 4 new episodes come out at the start of every month.
the naruto shippuden will be released January 2 2010 and it will be in English
Yes it has I watch it on one of the sites in the related links below.
it's out already
If you mean Shippuden then no, English dubbed has been released to DVD.You can watch English dubbed here.. http://www.narutoget.com/cat/4-english_dubbed/http://www.animenews.biz/viz-schedules-naruto-shippuden-dvds-confirms-no-tv-airing-1471/