Windows in houses and other buildings have been used ever since ancient times, in the Babylonian, Assyrian and Pharonic Egyptian Empires, although in those days they were simply open gaps that were covered with either fabric curtains or shutters at night. Even the Romans, who used glassware a lot in tableware, never used glass in their windows as they had not mastered the technique of rolling it to make window panes.
The Bronze and Iron Age tribes of Europe did not have windows in their residential huts at all, though they did have small openings in their 'moot halls' to allow light in.
Glass first began to be used in windows in late Anglo-Saxon times, mostly in churches, but these could only be constructed using small pieces of glass held together in a framework of lead. This is why stained-glass windows in Mediaeval cathedrals and churches are made up of small pieces with leaden supports in between. During this era, glass in windows was reserved for ecclesiastical use in monasteries, abbeys and churches- even the wealthy upper classes living in castles or fortified manors had open windows that were sealed with wooden shutters at night.
The technique of making plate-glass windows by rolling molten glass into flat pieces was not developed until the latter years of King Henry VIII's reign (i.e. 1540's), but it was only the nobility and extremely wealthy who could afford to have these installed- many continued to use the old-style lattice windows, and plate-glass continued to be unusual up until the end of the 17th Century. It was only from around the time of the architect Sir Christopher Wren that plate glass came into widespread use.
This is a good question. Open all windows and doors and if you have any electrical fans then use them to move the air around which will dilute those fumes.
Windows 98: You can't (using the Operating System) Windows 2000: CTL+ALT+DEL then choose "Lock Computer" Windows XP: Same as Windows 2000 or use shortcut Windows Key + L
No. Windows, and Windows programs, cannot be installed or run on a PS2.
They see 5 blue houses at night under a starry sky, and children laugh. The center house turns white with yellow windows, and the other four houses turn the same actual color as the first house that turned white yellow windows. Then it goes over the houses on the mountain where the text Feature Films For Families shows up. Then the logo turns into a 3D image.
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To prevent condensation on house windows, you can improve ventilation, use a dehumidifier, and consider installing double-pane windows.
Windows NT 3.1 was the first to use a preemptive multitasking. However, it was Windows 95 which had true multitasking.
There is to much humidity in the house use a dehumidifier they can be expensive
You use it to bend aluminum sheeting to wrap the trim.
No one knows really, because they began as simple holes in the wall. But the Romans were the first to use glass for windows. In Alexandria ca. 100 CE, cast glass windows, albeit with poor optical properties, began to appear.
bar soap or wax
by making large windows for your house,keep your windows always open,plant trees in your surroundings or sprinkle water on the top of your house.
You can open the windows in your house and use fans. Or you can have you air repaired.
Window privacy film can be used to temporarily tint your windows. You can get a roll of it for about $30 at Walmart. You could use it to do your house windows, but you'd have to be really careful about cutting it out.
you need to download it first.
To prevent condensation on windows in your house, you can improve ventilation by using exhaust fans, opening windows, or using a dehumidifier. Additionally, you can use insulating window coverings and maintain a consistent indoor temperature.
Its actually very simple to clean house windows. You can use a few drops of dishwashing liquid with about a gallon of water. Then you use microfibre cloths and that will remove most things off of windows. In order to leave windows streak free your best bet is a sgueegee. but remember to dry the squeegee after each wipe so that you don't leave streaks.