Cody was not even in Total Drama Action. Duncan won Total Drama Action.
Drew Nelson voices Duncan the Juvenile Delinquent .
Owen, Beth, and Duncan. Then It was Beth and Duncan, and the winner was Duncan.
total drama action isn't over yet but total drama island first ended with Owen then they had a huge quest where everyone came back for a million smackers but no one won so they came for total drama action mk9008 the winner of TDA is Duncan. The final two are Duncan and Beth p.s go to youtube and type in total drama action final episode and you can see the Canadian version =] --------------------------------------------------------------
Duncan duncan
Dukon isn't a character. I assume you mean Duncan. Duncan is voiced by Drew Nelson in Total Drama island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour
wins :)
hopefully duncan
Duncan wins total drama action. But Beth wins the alternate ending.
Thw winner of total drama action was Duncan and Beth was the runner up but in Australia Beth won total drama action.
Well, at first Duncan was with Courtney on Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action. In Total Drama Action, he and Gwen started to like eachother. In Total Drama World Tour they became a couple. So, in Total Drama World Tour, Duncan likes Gwen and hates Courtney because she was the reason Gwen was eliminated.