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Logitech Electronics was founded in Apples in Switzerland in 1981. They have since then moved to Morges, Switzerland and have also shipped their one billionth mouse in 2008.

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Q: When was Logitech Electronics founded?
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When was Oberheim Electronics founded?

Oberheim Electronics was founded in 1969 by Tom Oberheim. Oberheim Electronics is an American company that sells audio synthesizers and other types of audio equipment.

When was Centon Electronics founded?

Centon Electronics was founded in 1978 in Aliso Viejo, California by Gene Miscione who is still CEO of the company. The companies services stretch worldwide from that location.

When was Magellan Electronics founded?

Magellan Electronics, based out of the city of Santa Clara, California, was founded in 1986. Known mostly for its GPS systems, the company also has outdoor handheld navigational devices.

When was the American electronics corporation Circuit City founded?

Circuit City, the American Electronics corporation was founded in 1949. Circuit City went bankrupt in 2009 and liquidated all of it's Retail Stores in America.

What year was the company TC Electronics founded?

The company TC Electronics was founded in 1976 by two musician brothers named Kim and John Rishoj. They created a virtually silent chorus pedal that is still highly sought after today.

Related questions

Who makes Logitech?

The Logitech website says "Logitech was founded in a farmhouse in Apples, Switzerland in 1981".

Where was logitech founded?

the headquarters are in switszerland so it might be founded there

What stores sell the Logitech Harmony 1000 universal remote?

Any electronics store or stores that include an electronics section may stock the Logitech Harmony 1000 universal remote. This product is also sold on the Internet by various on-line auction, buy and/or sell websites.

Where can one purchase a Logitech wheel?

There are many places where you may be able to purchase a Logitech webcam. A couple of examples of where to buy would be the internet through an internet shop. secondly another place would be your local computer/electronics shop that may have this item in stock.

When was Fry's Electronics created?

Fry's Electronics was founded in 1985.

Where can one purchase the Logitech K700 wireless keyboard with touchpad?

The Logitech K700 wireless keyboard with touchpad can be purchased from all good computer and electronics stores. Alternatively, try sites such as Amazon or Ebay.

When was Oberheim Electronics founded?

Oberheim Electronics was founded in 1969 by Tom Oberheim. Oberheim Electronics is an American company that sells audio synthesizers and other types of audio equipment.

Where can you buy a logitech wireless keyboard?

Any computer store or electronics store should carry Logitech keyboards. The biggest one that comes to my mind is Best Buy. They carry a number of computers and keyboards that should fit what you're looking for.

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When was Centon Electronics founded?

Centon Electronics was founded in 1978 in Aliso Viejo, California by Gene Miscione who is still CEO of the company. The companies services stretch worldwide from that location.

Where can one find a Logitech premium stereo headset with noise canceling microphone?

Stereo headsets from Logitech with noise canceling may be ordered online from places like Amazon. One may also check with the official Logitech website, to find both online and local retailers in one's area. As Logitech is a popular brand name, so most electronics- and computer stores that carry headsets will either have these, or be willing to order them in for the customer.

When was A and M Electronics founded?

A and M Electronics was founded in 1977. The company is located in Santa Clarita, California and manufactures various computer parts and supplies and sells them to industries as well as the military.