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All chickens lay best in the spring and the fall. Most chickens stop altogether during the summer and winter.

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Q: When is rhode island chickens laying seasons?
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Related questions

What are some animals from Rhode Island?

Rhode Island Red chickens.

What kind of products are Rhode Island red chickens used for?

The Rhode Island Red is a duel purpose bird. A good reliable egg producer with reasonably good meat production prior to or just after prime egg laying years.

What type of animals does Rhode Island have?

Rode Island has Chickens

Can rhode island chickens lay eggs without a rooster?

Yes, Rhode Island Red chickens are capable of laying eggs without the presence of a rooster. The eggs will be unfertilized and thus will not develop into chicks.

What state was the famous chickens raised?

Rhode Island

What animals inhabited colonial Rhode Island?

Rhode Island Red Fowls (Chickens & Roosters) Cutthroat trout

What breed of chickens do the Gosselins have?

The Gosselins have rhode island reds

Where are Rhode Island red chickens located?

You can get a Rhode Island Red hen from a farmer who raises chickens. You can also order them on line.

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What chickens are are able to be with Rhode Island red chickens?

Rhode Island Red chickens can be kept with other docile breeds such as Plymouth Rocks, Orpingtons, Wyandottes, and Australorps. Avoid keeping them with aggressive or flighty breeds. It's important to introduce new chickens to the flock slowly to minimize stress and aggression.

What type of Chickens are good to be used as just a 'backyard pet'?

Rhode Island Red

Which are better New Hampshire or Rhode Island red chickens?

it really depends what kind of bird you were going to get if you are getting them for laying then i would recomend the Rhode Island red but if you just want a nice looking hen then i recomend the New Hampshire red and if you would like them for showing then i would recommend the new hapshire red again