The Dragon Ball Z series originally aired in Japan in 1986, and officially debuted in the US in 1998. Created by one of Japan's most famous cartoon animators, Akira Toriyama, the series quickly became very popular. A series of games based on the story and characters has also been released. Dragon Ball Z relates the adventures of Goku, a good and powerful warrior who embarks upon a quest to fight the forces of evil. The action takes place in many exotic locations and features dozens of strong warriors, both good and evil. Ultimately, Goku achieves incredible power and becomes the universe's most powerful warrior.
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (the 12th movie)
Dragon Ball Z season nine comes out in May
dragon ball z was firist made in japan and than later on it became an American show.
Dragon Ball Z, Season 4 has already come out on DVD. It was released on February 19, 2008.
[Intro] Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! [Verse 1] Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! [Hook - instrumental] Dragon Ball Z! [Verse 2] Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon, Dragon! Rock the Dragon! Come get me! [Hook - instrumental] [Outro] Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! Dragon Ball Z! Hey I dont what the lyrics of "Dragonballz".I want the lyrics of "dragonball"
He was in a DBZ movie.
Dragon ball z arrival of raditz is the first episode and movie
Dragon ball z - 7
The new dbz movie will come out in march 30th 2013
Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn (the 12th movie)
The first 'Dragon Ball' movie released was 'Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone'. 'Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone' was released in 1989 by Toei Animation, originally titled simply 'Dragon Ball Z the Movie' during its theatrical release.
I think it is before the first episode.because as soon as Dragon Ball Z starts, Goku dies and he is still alive in the movie. The movie could also be canon.
Dragon Ball Z season nine comes out in May
i dont know maybe ... i'll check
If you're talking about the live action, it is DB (not Z) and is expecteed to come out April 10th, 2009.