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In forever princess

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Q: When does mia become friends with lana in the princess diareis?
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What nicknames does Lana Antonova go by?

Lana Antonova goes by Russian Princess.

What is lana's last name in the Princess Diaries?


What was the role of Lana Thomas in 'The Princess Diaries'?

Played by Mandy Moore. Lana Thomas was the cheerleader who "bullied" Mia.

Who is the main character in princess in training?

Lilly, Mia, Lana, Grand mere (grandma), and Michele.

Who is Mandy Moore in Princess Diaries?

Mandy Moore plays "Lana Thomas" in the Princess Diaries movie. The equivalent of Lana Weinberger in the books. In the books, she dates Josh Ritcher, in the movies he is called Josh Byrant. Who is played by Erik von Dettan.

Is Lana Del Rey dating James Franco?

Lana Del Rey and James Franco are friends, and it is rumored that he definitely has a crush on her, but as of this writing, they are not officially dating.

Who does Lana Lang become?

Lana Lang becomes herself however according to some variations of the Superman mythos, she marries Pete Ross.

What was a summary of Princess in training?

Lilly, her best friend nominates her as student counsil president. Lana then tries to go up against her.

What happened in Princess Diaries 9?

after she break up with Michael, she's getting depress, and eating on the MC Donald's. She spend the days on the bedroom, without go to school .Lilly don't talk with she anymore. Tina become her best friend. Lana and Trisha become her friend. Lilly start to date with Kenny. Mia start to date with JP.

What is a nickname for the name Lana?

A common nickname for the name Lana is Lani.

What is a lana alert?

Lana Clarkson fan sites offer "Lana Alerts" they are IM updates of news about Lana Clarkson.

How tall is Lana Violet?

Lana Lopez is 155 cm.