Luxio evolves into Luxray at level 30. I think that some good moves for him would be Thunder, Thunderbolt, Crunch and Rain Dance. Thunder and Thunderbolt will be powerful because he is already an electric type. Crunch will be good for an advantage over psychic types and Rain Dance makes Thunderbolt more powerful and gives Thunder more accuracy.
Luxio doesn't evolve by using a stone, it evolves in lvl 30 in a Luxray
Luxio evolves at level 30.
well 1 that is the last evolution, but if you mean what level duz a luxio evolve into a luxray, it is at level 30
you can not evolve it
Shinx evolves at lvl 15.the evolving of all :Shinx lvl 15 > Luxio lvl 30 > Luxray any lvl exept for 30 and under (without the Pokemon any lvl cheat)
train it to lv 30 or so
Luxio doesn't evolve by using a stone, it evolves in lvl 30 in a Luxray
Shinx evoles into Luxio at Level 15 in Pok
in Pokemon platinum, Luxio evolves into Luxray at level 30. i think it applies to diamond and pearl too, but im not entirely sure.
in Pokemon diamond luxio evolves into luxray at lvl 30 and its the same for Pokemon platinum and pearl!!! hope that helps!
level 30, just like in any other game
in diamond--level 30 pearl--level 30 emearald--by trade or by level 100
I think you should train it up to lvl. 36 or so for it to evolve into luxray but if you still have shinx, you should train it to lvl. 20
Luxio evolves into Luxray at level 37.
evolve a luxio
Luxio can evolve at any time some evolve early and some don't even evolve or it elvolves late, just look at its hp on
luxio evoles around level 30