Middle Giving BIRTH To GRAYSTRIPES KITS!! cinderpelt helped her give birth and if not for her, graystripe's kits probably would have died too.
she killed silverstream to move the story along, then graystripe went to riverclan but his heart always belonged in thunderclaan
== == She will die giving birth to Graystripes kits, Stormkit and Featherkit.
For her story plot to go as she planned, yes. Erin Hunter had to kill Silverstream so that she and Graystripe's kits would be with RiverClan when Tigerstar became the joint leader of RiverClan with Leopardstar. Then Tigerstar, in his quest for pure-blood cats, could try to make Stonefur kill them and if Silverstream were still alive, she would protect her kits and she wouldn't let Tigerstar try to kill them. If Tigerstar wouldn't have tried to kill the kits, then Graystripe, Ravenpaw, and Firestar wouldn't have rescued the kits, and the plot of the story would fall apart. So, yes. Erin Hunter did have to kill Silverstream.
Erin Hunter's new book can be anything in the future. The recent book that just came out from Erin Hunter was, Omen of the Stars, the Fourth Apprentice. Otherwise, you can say, any other book that Erin Hunter writes besides Warriors.
I don't know when Erin Hunter was born because Erin Hunter is actually three people.
she killed silverstream to move the story along, then graystripe went to riverclan but his heart always belonged in thunderclaan
There are 30 chapters in the book "Forest of Secrets" by Erin Hunter, which is the third book in the Warriors series.
== == She will die giving birth to Graystripes kits, Stormkit and Featherkit.
Search the Forest?
For her story plot to go as she planned, yes. Erin Hunter had to kill Silverstream so that she and Graystripe's kits would be with RiverClan when Tigerstar became the joint leader of RiverClan with Leopardstar. Then Tigerstar, in his quest for pure-blood cats, could try to make Stonefur kill them and if Silverstream were still alive, she would protect her kits and she wouldn't let Tigerstar try to kill them. If Tigerstar wouldn't have tried to kill the kits, then Graystripe, Ravenpaw, and Firestar wouldn't have rescued the kits, and the plot of the story would fall apart. So, yes. Erin Hunter did have to kill Silverstream.
Silverstream dies for giving birth to Greystirpes kits; Featherkit(tail) and Stormkit(fur). Cinderpaw noticed that she was losing to much blood and she tried to save her but she couldn't. She regrets this all her life. r.i.p. silverstream
How Tigerstar and Sasha met.
ThistleClaw did go to the Dark Forest because TigerStar mentioned him in one of Erin Hunter's books to IvyPaw.
No, Littlecloud does not die in Sunrise by Erin Hunter. No, Littlecloud does not die in Sunrise by Erin Hunter.
In the story, they're just called "the forest" and "the lake." The old forest was modeled after the New Forest, but the lake was made up.
Erin Hunter's new book can be anything in the future. The recent book that just came out from Erin Hunter was, Omen of the Stars, the Fourth Apprentice. Otherwise, you can say, any other book that Erin Hunter writes besides Warriors.
Graystripe's kits are named Feathertail and Stormfur. They are born to Graystripe and Silverstream in the book series Warriors by Erin Hunter. Feathertail is a silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes, while Stormfur is a dark gray tom with amber eyes. They play significant roles in the series and are beloved characters among fans.