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Q: When did shackelton get stuck in the ice?
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What is possessive pronoun of I think that Shackelton's story is remarkable?

There is no possessive pronoun in the sentence.The only possessive in the sentence is the possessive form for the proper noun Shackelton (Shackelton's story). The only pronoun in the sentence is "I" which is taking the place of the noun for the person speaking.

When was Ernest Shackelton born?

Ernest shackelton was born on the 15th of Feburary 1847. He was born in a place called Kilkee, Ireland where he grew up.

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How do we survie when your hand stuck in ice?

=== ===

What Town was enrest shackelton was born?

Kilkee in Ireland

How many sister or brothers do Shackelton have?

probably six

What vehicle wont get stuck in mud and ice?

A hovercraft

What happen to your tongue when you lick an aluminum ice cream scraper just after it has been used?

you get your tongue stuck. the ice is not wet and when you lick it your tongue is wet so it gets stuck.

Who freed Henry Hudson from being stuck on ice?

When Hudson's boat became stuck in the ice on his final journey, no one freed them. It was just the weather in the spring that melted the ice enough so that they could get the boat free and leave.

What makes ships get stuck when they travel in polar regions?

Pack Ice