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The first people who brought Islam to India were Arab traders in the 7th century. The trade relations between Arabia and India were very strong, and the person believed to be the first Indian Muslim, Rama Varma Kulashekhara, became a Muslim during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad (S).

During the Umayyad Caliphate, an Arab army captured the province of Sindh, led by Muhammad bin Qasim. This was the first official conquering of India bringing it to Islam, and making Sindh the easternmost part of the Umayyad Caliphate.actually it is yr 633 in south eastern India kayalpatnam Google this Arab Muslims in kayalpatnam 633 u will get the correct answer Arabs traded with southern India since before 600bc Islam came to south peacefully

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Jeremy Dooley

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βˆ™ 2y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Well As far as i Know,

ISLAM enterd INDIA when the Middle East tribes came to know our land ,where they can find food, wealth.The hunger for food & rich water resources made the middle east invaders(Muslims) enter India
Islam first came to India with Arab traders as early as the 7th century.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Islam spread throughout the Indian subcontinent predominately by the use of hard power from invasions, occupations, and forced conversions. The Moghol Emperors as directs descendants of the Khans invaded the sub-continent introducing Islam and taxing non-Muslims. Tamerlane led a military campaign killing millions over the same question. The Arab warlord Hajaj led a similar invasions and Sunni expansionism against the native Hindus of the subcontinent. Islam did also grow through soft power as lower economic Hindu classes sought tax benefits or a means out of the rigid tax system. Political partitions also led two Islamic conversations to preserve the safety of those non-Muslims who stayed in West and East Pakistan also.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Islam entered India initially through two military fronts beginning in the. These were the Southeast from Arab caliphate and of the genocide perpetrated by the warlord Yazid (Muawiya). The Northwest and Punjab were attacked and invaded through the actions of the Mongol descendants known in the subcontinent as the Moghuls such as Gazni and the Shahs. Other invasions of the Mongols descendants were Tamerlane (Timur) who laid waste to cities spanning Delhi, Baghdad, and Turkey. These invasions and atrocities began and spanned from 643 AD onwards.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Many believe Islamic influence spread in India mainly during the reign of the Mughal Empire, which dominated from around the 13th to 19th century. The Mughals and their religion had a significant impact on India, converting many Hindus to Muslims and building unique architecture, the most notable example being the Taj Mahal.

However, some historians also believe that although the Mughal Empire was the main source of Islam's spread through India, the Islamic religion was first introduced by Arab traders in the 7th century even before the Muslim invasions of India. Arab merchants had trade relations with India very early on, and brought ideas of their Islamic religion along with their goods.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The Muslims first came to India in 712 C.E. under the banner of Muhammad bin Qasim, who was a general in the army of the Umayyad Caliphate. They conquered the Sindh and Multan regions in the following year. However, as emissaries of the Umayyad Caliphate, which would fall in less than 40 years, no permanent Islamic Empire was established in India.

The next impermanent invasion was that of Mahmud of Ghazni who conquered Lahore in 1021, but he maintained his empire in Khorasan (Iran/Afghanistan).

The first Muslim King who established an Islamic State in India proper was Muhammad Ghori who conquered Dehli and Ajmair in 1193, Qannoj in 1194, Gujrat and Malwa in 1195. Bukhiar Khilji conquered Bengal in 1197-1202.

Separately and later, Babur conquered Dehli in 1526 and laid the foundation of Mughal Empire, which would last in one form or another until British colonization spelled its end.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

During his lifetime the Prophet (PBUH) never entered the sub-continent, India.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

It reached Middle India about 600 years after it spread in Arabia.

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