The easiest way is to see all the Pokemon, including Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, get all 8 Gym Badges, then go to the Elite Four and defeat them all.
The Gym Leaders are:
1. Roark (Rock) in Oreburgh City
2. Gardenia (Grass) in Eterna City
3. Fantina (Ghost) in Hearthome City
4. Maylene (Fighting) in Veilstone City
5. Crasher Wake (Water) in Pastoria City
6. Byron (Steel) in Canalave City
7. Candice (Ice) in Snowpoint City
And then, after you defeat Team Galactic and fight Dialga, Palkia, or Giratina,
8. Volkner (Electric) in Sunyshore City
After the Gym Leaders, once you pass Victory Road, the Elite Four. They are:
1. Aaron (Bug), weak to Fire, Flying, Rock
2. Bertha (Ground) weak to Grass, Ice, Water
3. Flint (Fire) weak to Rock, Ground, Water
4. Lucian (Psychic) weak to Dark, Bug, Ghost
And the champion, Cynthia. If you recall, she helped you throughout Sinnoh. She has various Pokemon. They are not the same type. The highest level Pokemon she has is 61. Her Pokemon are:
1. Spiritomb (Ghost/Dark), weak to nothing - no, I'm serious, nothing. Just take it out with your strongest attack.
2. Milotic (Water), weak to Grass, Electric. Remember those stupid Feebas earlier in the game? This is the evolution. Seriously. Just make it as pretty as possible and it level it up and it evolves.
3. Garchomp (Dragon/Ground), weak to Ice, Dragon. This is a beast. It will decimate your team if you let it. Good news is, it's 4x weak to Ice attacks, so kill it with Ice Beam or Blizzard or whatever you have.
4. Roserade (Grass/Poison), weak to Fire, Psychic, Flying, Bug, Ice. This thing has so many weaknesses you probably took it out as fast as you took out Gardenia's with either Ember, Peck, or Wing Attack. Burn it to death. You should have a fire type by now.
5. Togekiss (Normal/Flying), weak to Ice, Rock, Electric. This is also a beast. It is one of the few Pokemon that learns Aura Sphere naturally. Take it out with Spark or Thunder Fang or Thunderbolt.
6. Lucario (Fighting/Steel), weak to Fire, Psychic, Ground. This is a beast. Take it out with any of its weaknesses.
And with that, you have defeated the Elite Four. Congrats. Now, if you have seen all 250 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Dex, go to Professor Rowan's town in Sandgem Town and he will give you the National Dex. If you have not, you are probably missing either a) Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf, or b) Rotom. Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf are in the lake caves, and Rotom is in the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest.
To find Rotom, enter the Old Gateau. There is a room that has a TV in it. At 8:00 PM or later go up to the TV and examine it. It will ask you if you want to punch the TV. Do so. You will be in a battle with Rotom.
This is the easiest way to get the National Dex. Other than that you can trade for all 250 Pokemon.
Chat with our AI personalities
You need to get the National Pokedex. Then, you go to the place where the Pal Park is, and you will see that the people are not standing in the way. But you need the National Pokedex.
The Easiest Way - 1931 is rated/received certificates of: USA:Passed (National Board of Review)
to get to the survival area you need to get the national pokedex (to get the national pokedex you need to see every Pokemon on your pokedex then talk to pofeser rowen and you got it!!)then go to the fight area (to got to the fight area beat the elite 4 then talk to the ship guy in snowpount city then your there!!!)then there are people bloking the way to the survival area get the national pokedex and there gone go that way try to go north all the way but if you have to go any other way go that way but try to go north the whole time.
If you're talking about Flint and Volkner who block the path to the battle frontier, then you just have to battle them. The other 2 men that are blocking the way to surf east of the fight area won't move until you get the national pokedex (see all 210 regional pokemon).
The Super Rod is needed to catch Dragonair, #148 in the3 NATIONAL Pokedex, not in the Sinnoh Pokedex. You need #148 - Aself - found on Lake Valor. Once you have the other 149, you are on your way! The Super Rod is needed to catch Dragonair, #148 in the3 NATIONAL Pokedex, not in the Sinnoh Pokedex. You need #148 - Aself - found on Lake Valor. Once you have the other 149, you are on your way!
You need a national pokedex. You get a national pokedex by filling your Sinnoh pokedex, and then going to Professer Rowans lab. Professer Oak will upgrade your pokedex so you will get the national pokedex. The guys will get out of your way then.
There is no way you have to compleate the pokedex but most of it is at the gyms.
Battle every trainer you see
Pal Park after the two men are out of the way (they should be if you have the national pokedex)
With a master ball.
Be able to ACT!
dude wrong category
You need to get the National Pokedex. Then, you go to the place where the Pal Park is, and you will see that the people are not standing in the way. But you need the National Pokedex.
with action replay
Get an Action Replay and select 100% Pokemon on pokedex.
The answer is no i have him and my pokedeex{National} is only half way to completion
where&when you can get the national pok.You get it in Twinleaf Town[in the professor's lab] after defeat the Elite Four. You do not have to beat the elite four in order to get the national pokedex but it is faster if you beat or get to Cynthia(the Pokemon league champ) and face her last Pokemon. (the champion) You get it when you see all 150 Pokemon. No worries, you WILL get the national pokedex once you see all 150 Pokemon when you go to prof. RowanOnce you have the National Pokedex, the easiest way to complete it is by battling trainers at the battle trainer. To get dialga in your pokedex, go to Celstic town, and go up until you see a house in front of you. To the left, it has and old lady and talk to her to get dialga in the pokedex.