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it was in 1842 she started working in the field.

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Q: What year did harriet Tubman start working on the field?
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How old was Harriet Tubman when she started working?

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Did Harriet Tubman have to start working at 6 years old?

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Harriet Tubman was an African-American abolitionist

When did the underground railroad start with Harriet Tubman?

The underground railroad existed long before Harriet Tubman. She served as one of its most effective conductors.

Why did harriet Tubman start the under ground rail road?

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What are ways to start a Harriet Tubman essay?

start of with a quote or her early life. ya welcome

When year did harriet Tubman start freeing the slaves?

1851 after the fugitive slave laws were passed.

When did Underground start?

It started in 1779 and it began with a girl called Harriet Tubman and she fell in a tub so thay called her Tubman so do not make fun of her cause she is a TubmanHARRIETTUBMANHARRIET TUBMAN

When did the underground start?

It started in 1779 and it began with a girl called Harriet Tubman and she fell in a tub so thay called her Tubman so do not make fun of her cause she is a TubmanHARRIETTUBMANHARRIET TUBMAN

What were Harriet Tubmans visions?

Harriet Tubman's dream was to have all slaves freed. This was her reason for helping to start the underground railroad.

Why did harriet Tubman decide start the underground rail road?

No, the underground rail road existed before she started taking (used to be) enslaved slaves there.