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Q: What year did OnStar start?
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When was OnStar created?

OnStar was created in 1995.

How do you disable onstar?

In order to disable OnStar unplug the cords that are connected to the OnStar box. The OnStar box is found in the inside panel of the trunk of the car.

Onstar and Sprint Can you activate sprint with onstar?

Sorry, OnStar can be activated with a Verizon phone. The OnStar phone can be added to a family plan as a family phone.

Is onstar available nation wide?

There are very few places that onstar is not available, and a few places where onstar has limited availability. The few places that Onstar is limited or has no service is scattered throughout the US. Onstar is available in approximately 98% of the Us nationwide.

Can you get onstar for your Honda CR-V?

No, OnStar is a GM only product. OnStar is a factory-installed option and cannot be installed by a dealer or retailer, so you must do one of the following: 1) Purchase a GM vehicle with OnStar 2) Own a GM vehicle with OnStar

Can onstar work in your 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt?

Older Onstar models will stop working in 2009 due to some communication laws that will be coming into effect. Check with your local dealer if your car year will be affected

How can you find out if an 2004 infinity gs has onstar?

only GM vehicles are equiped with onstar.

How do you see if yall have an offers to reactivation Onstar to my car?

Try calling from the OnStar panel.

Where can someone purchase an onstar?

Onstar is available for purchase both online and at your local retailers, such as Best Buy or Crutchfield. Onstar is also available at local car dealerships.

Will the Onstar automatic emergency response notify the Onstar service center if you are not subscribed to the service?


How do I cancel OnStar?

Call OnStar at 1-866-4OnStar and talk to a service representative. They will assist you in changing your account status. Actually the OnStar number is 1-888-4OnStar.